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HomeInfo: Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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How do I login?
How do I login?

Click in the upper right-hand corner on [MEMBER LOGIN]

On the next screen, enter your CRPC User Name and Password.

If you do not remember your User Name and/or Password, select [Forgot My Username/Password] and the system will email you your login credentials.

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Do I have to be a member to shoot?
Do I have to be a member to shoot?

With the exception of certain organized events, you must be a Member or the guest of a Member to shoot at any Club range.

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How do I join?
How do I join?

Click here to view information on how to Join the Club

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May I visit the ranges before I decide to join?
May I visit the ranges before I decide to join?

You may visit, but you will need to be escorted by a Member or a Range Safety Officer. If you do not know a Member, please Contact Us and we will gladly make arrangements to give you a tour of our facilities.

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How do I get to the ranges?
How do I get to the ranges?

Click here for Directions

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Do you offer rental firearms?
Do you offer rental firearms?

Public ranges tend to offer rentals. We are a private club and do not rent firearms.

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If I still have questions on how to join, who do I contact?
If I still have questions on how to join, who do I contact?

Please email our Membership Chairman at:

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My question wasn't covered what?
My question wasn't covered what?

You may email your questions to:

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