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HomePistol: NRA Action

NRA Action Pistol


The shooter will need a holster that they can draw from and 200 rounds of ammo. The shooter will also need 8 magazines for their guns or enough high cap magazines to hold 48 rounds. A events use 6 rounds per stage and there are no speed reloads. Any handgun can be used for for this match. Handguns will be classified at sign in and you will be put into a class for the shoot. Handguns with optical sights or scopes can be used also.


CRPC members $15.00

Non Members    $20.00

Classification cost + $5.00 This cost will be sent to the NRA for your classification card.
You do not have to obtain your classification card, it is not required.

The Matches will be sanctioned and scores will be sent into the NRA for classifications.


Falling plates

Moving Targets

Practical Event

Barricade Event



7.9 Falling Plate Event

Competitors must fire the 10 yard line segment in the standing position. Competitors may fire the 15, 20, and 25 yard line segments in the prone position at their option. This course will be divided into four stages; each stage will have two strings, 6 shots per string. 48 shots; targets will be 8" round metal plates:

  • 10 yards - 6 shots in 6 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 15 yards - 6 shots in 7 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 20 yards - 6 shots in 8 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 25 yards - 6 shots in 9 seconds, 2 strings.

7.3 The Moving Target

This course will be shot in three stages, 48 shots:

  • 10 yards - 12 shots, 2 strings of 6 shots as target moves right to left, 60 feet in 5 seconds.
  • 15 yards - 12 shots, 2 strings of 6 shots as target moves right to left, 60 feet in 5 seconds.
  • 20 yards - 12 shots, 4 strings of 3 shots as target moves right to left, 60 feet in 5 seconds.
  • 25 yards - 12 shots, 4 strings of 3 shots as target moves right to left, 60 feet in 5 seconds.



7.6 Practical Event

Competitors must fire the 10 yard line segment in the standing position. Competitors may fire the 15, 25, and 50 yard segments in the prone position at their option. This course is divided into four stages. Each stage has three strings and 12 shots per stage. 48 shots:

  • 10 yards - one shot each target within three seconds, two shots each target within four seconds, and three shots each target eight seconds.
  • 15 yards - one shot each target within four seconds, two shots each within 5 seconds, and three shots each target within six seconds.
  • 25 yards - one shot each target five seconds, two shots each target six seconds, and three shots each target seven seconds.
  • 50 yards - one shot each target seven seconds, two shots each target ten seconds, and three shots each target fifteen seconds.

7.7 Barricade Event

All competitors must fire all stages in the standing position. All competitors may use the Barricade for support. No portion of the firearm to rest against the Barricade for Open Modified, Metallic or Production Firearm categories. This course will be divided into four stages, two strings per stage, 6 shots per string, 48 shots; all shots will be tired from behind a barricade:

  • 10 yards - 6 shots in 5 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 15 yards - 6 shots in 6 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 25 yards - 6 shots in 7 seconds, 2 strings.
  • 35 yards - 6 shots in 8 seconds, 2 strings.


  • Eye and ear protection is mandatory.
  • Ready position is hand off weapon.
  • No loading of weapon until command to load is given.
  • Holsters mandatory.
  • Multiple magazines and/or speed loaders needed.
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