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HomeRules & Policies: Mission & History
Mission & History



The purpose of this Corporation shall be the encouragement of organized archery, rifle, pistol and shotgun shooting among residents of the United States with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of such residents of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as the promotion of good marksmanship. It shall be a further purpose to promote and foster the development of relationships among the members of the Corporation and to develop characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play among members of the Corporation.

Leadership Values

The Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club (CR&PC), in existence since 1913, embodies the principles of safety, advancement of the shooting sports, volunteerism, and camaraderie. Our legacy is filled with a rich history led by volunteers who gave of their time and their spirit to make this club what it is today, a safe place to shoot and make new friends.


Our club is led by a board of directors who are guided by a set of bylaws approved by the membership. The board represents the membership in all matters pertaining to the club’s financial and asset management. Beyond safety, the overarching goal of the board is to ensure financial integrity in a way that will sustain the club for generations to come. The board ensures all of the club’s assets are managed in such a way that they are safe and are available for membership use. Asset management includes ongoing maintenance and expansion of assets to enhance the value of membership and the club.


The Core Purpose of the board is to provide leadership and direction to ensure membership has a safe and enjoyable place to shoot. The club’s leadership is also guided by our vision for the club. The following vision statement provides a direction for the work that lies ahead. A guide for the today’s leadership and the leadership to follow.


We visualize a safe place where members take advantage of training and competitions to improve their skills. We visualize a place where members socialize and make new friendships that carry beyond the range. We visualize a place where members have trust in their leadership due to transparency of decisions and those decisions provide for the general welfare of the club and its members. We visualize a place where membership is so valuable that members volunteer their time to ensure the club is well maintained and is attractive to prospective members. We visualize a place where club finances provide for long-term sustainability that ensures a legacy for the generations to follow. We visualize a place where members understand they have an irreplaceable club asset and in turn assume the responsibility to protect and enhance the value of our club.


Before There Was the Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club

The Mystery of the Millstones on the Shotgun Range

Life's Renewal at the Outdoor Pistol Range in the Nineties

The 300-Yard Rifle Range

Join NRA - National Rifle Association